Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70

Vancouver. B.C.



January 14th 1918 E.V.

An XIII Sol in Capricornus



My Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I was very glad to get your note this morning and to hear that a fresh current is running in N.[ew] Y.[ork] You will have had mine of 5th inst of course and will understand in part why I did not come along. Please be assured that I shall never forget my duty, but things do not always work out exactly as expected, as you well know.


You must remember that all my Karmic threads formed during the last seven years or so, as far as lower planes are concerned, are centred here. Therefore when I get to understand just why I did this or that or met so-and-so, it is but natural that there could be certain very definite work possible from this centre. I am quite willing to admit that my scheme for working material things is likely to expand a great deal further but the question is, just when to establish a definite and un-mistakable material result as a sample. For instance, I start with the idea that if one can influence a person who has two or three others in hand, it saves the trouble of interesting those others. Then I find that person not big enough to understand. I try with one who has charge of 200 in the absence of his master. He is not strong enough to work quite independently, so I cinch him up into such a position that he cannot do very much else but come through, if just left alone, or he'll find he loses the whole movement and I turn over the job to another. I am being very careful about this deal, as the originator (who is by-the-by in a rather difficult fix where he cannot be easily got at) may be the very man who comes from the West. Leaving this in the hands of the Masters, and by the by getting Lazenby [Charles Lazenby] pretty well on our side and it may be in time his very large following (He is carrying on H.P.B.'s [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky] work rather than A.B.'s [Annie Besant], and there's bound to be a split in T.[heosophical] S.[ociety] some day over the Old Catholic Church movement) Leaving this in their hands, as I said, I have during the last three days formulated a pretty complete scheme for running the B.C. Electric Railway and Power Coy on O.T.O. Lines. I think by the proper application of the principles of the Order to a big business of this sort, they might be persuaded to accept same in the same way as the O.T.O. accepted the New Law from the AA My idea is something like this. During my seven years of service I have noted the various faults and failings in their Light and Power System, especially the graft and ill-feeling between the Departmental Heads etc. There have been many attempts to put in new systems which have failed. They have tried to run an Employees association which is a proven failure after one year, as an off-set to the Head Office staff joining the Union of Light and Power Man and Street Railway men etc. Now I have left the coy once and got asked to come back again, at Christmas I openly defied them and walked out went away for initiation and came back, and got re-instated. I am quite content with my simple job, do not want a high place, yet have got considerable pull because they don’t understand me and I do know a whole lot about them, which if it ever got to the share-holders in England etc. would not be pleasant. I think the General Manager is a White man, and quite un-aware of all that goes on below. so as soon as I am ready I intend to make things pretty clear to him, and show him how things can be run, to save interdepartmental strife, off-set the unions, off-set the Mayor here, make the men work better, and test out the heads of all departments, so that they must show they are not grafting or give place to other men trained by our system. I propose to make all departments into degrees so that in taking another degree, men change about and get fresh work and more money, then at P. of J. much less money and more despised work. If they pull through Rose Croix with much increases and men under them. If this works out the order should become increasingly richer, so that in time we can reduce light and power charges and begin giving FREE Light to the outside members and eventually to the public. This will cause a sensation and we shall get our men in as Mayor etc for the city, because the people will be able to find no trace of graft, and at present no interest is taken in elections because no good man will run for Mayor. There may be a better one now, just elected, but I don't know him, and he is the supposed enemy of Coy, but to get people cheaper light is one of his pet theories, so I may be able to do something with City right away. Any way, the next step is to get heads of big concerns like Hudsons Bay Coy etc interested. Then when we find a man whose true will is to be a shop-walker instead of a car-conductor we can trade him off with some other company and so please people all round. I will not dilate on this subject for her—I can run on alone any line in about the same way, just at present—but why not give the matter very serious consideration and see what Ford Motor People will do. I think they are already doing a good deal for their men, and they may be the very people to blaze the trail in States. Ford s independent, isn't he, while the G.M. of B.C.E.R. has the London Office to look to, and may not be big enough to work things. I don’t want to be stuck here too long as a bigger scheme is sure to present itself shortly.


Now, as to the advantages of my coming to see you. I had hoped that the 200 people scheme would have paid expenses. This for the moment is in abeyance. The B.C.E.R. might if they take to things and I show it to be essential. If I were there I could recount a tremendous string of experiences during Initiation while fresh, so that your stenographer could make up quite a good record, but some-one has got to put up expenses, that's evident unless I wait for a while. On the other hand, there might be a disadvantage if I got to the consideration of politics etc, which for the moment I have quite steered clear of. There is quite a chance of getting things fixed here and in England, because I have no interest in those matters. Of course my experiences have shown me a bit and I think I understand without being told.


I did not tell you one little joke in my last letter, till I had heard from you. Things were going pretty strong in regard to the Initiation and I was led of the Spirit to take the boat to Victoria, carrying stele etc and Book of the Law. The Stele I safely deposited at the Empress. Things then began to go stronger than ever. By the by please note June 1916 floods cut off all communications with East. This time I was swept right across to Victor on astral, while storm, and ice hit Chilliwack etc costing B.C.E.R. 150.000 but with no loss of life. Also floods cut off East again. However, to get back to earth, I had not been in Victoria a day, when I was suddenly thrown into gaol, where my initiation continued very nicely indeed, for three days. When I thought it was time to get out, I made enquiries, and found that something I had said had caused them to think I was a deserter trying to evade conscription by pretending madness. I called for the doctor, explained I did not come under the draft at all, being married etc. said the B.C.E.R. were responsible for any slight appearance of mental worry owing to there damn rotten system of grinding the office staff. and was immediately let out. As I had some papers in my pocket, one of which was a wire to O.M. and another letter from Telegraph to say he was not known at that address, I was not sure what might result. I am now convinced all is o.k. but the wire from Telegraph coy was missing from my papers, I afterwards discovered. I think They worked all things well. When I got back, I told B.C.E.R. the doctor said they were not giving me much of a deal etc. and got back to work without trouble. R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] had kept the fires burning night and day, and had done invaluable service in protecting papers etc. while I was absent. I must tell of this another time. Strange she has Shin clearly marked on her leg (veins). While I had my Bliss-body and was able to put my hand in the flame of fires, she quietly said, as she did likewise, I've been able to do that all my life. I think she's a salamander or something. I am not at all sure she hasn't held down much of the Sorrow of 8=3 all this time. She may even prove to be the true S.[carlet] W.[oman]. Ru-Binah is certainly symbolical. I have stuck absolutely to my formula with her, as you know, and am sure so far it is the right one. She is still a puzzle though. As long as there is anything I need she supplies it. Now there is nothing I need, she is in a peculiar state. We shall see, as time goes on, anyway. I told you we had a profess house it will be known as "Agape Lodge" 138. 13th Street East. North Vancouver. It is almost on our old sight. There is land behind we hope to secure, and on it a building quite suitable for a blue lodge with a little money spent on it. Strangely enough these lots are unbyared OI. The example of these people will go far to help things forward. We must take advantage of it, form a proper Council here etc. I expect to have the deeds in a few days. There are certain matters in that connection that require my personal supervision and a great deal of care for a time.


I think I'll stop now, I've written quite a bit anyway and I think you'll recognize that I'm all right and doing my best


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy son,


By the way it is interesting to note things here perfectly symbolized F of J ritual even to pillars etc thrown down in confusion in basement. I used that formula and performed the missing Ritual of M of S. and W. during Initiation thus formulation true R.C. Lodge for B.C. as proposed in June 1916 and prophesied on portrait of Baphomet An XI Sol in Libra.


