Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





c/o International,

1125, Broadway, N.Y.C.



February 22. [1918]



My beloved son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have purposely delayed my answer to your numerous letters, because when such great affairs are in progress, one must be very definite or else do nothing. In the uncertain and unfinished state of your experiences, I preferred the latter course, contenting my anxiety as to your welfare with an enquiry in the Proper Quarter as to whether you were working as a True Man, and being quieted by an affirmative answer.


I am still waiting for a more definitive Word or summary of recent events, the more so that a new S.[carlet] W.[oman] Has appeared with Messages, the main purport of which is that I should go to Egypt within the next year. Remember that Eq[uino]x III will begin 13 months from now: I am already getting the first two numbers into shape. It was for this reason among others that I wanted you here: there is so much to edit, and your help desirable. Also you who appear in these messages are (I think) to go to Egypt also. I took your "N.Y. before New Year" to refer to the True Year: so still expect you. As to your work, I feel sure that the one flaw is your R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] formula, as I said from the first. My feeling is that your subconsciousness is fooling you. You could tell for certain by giving up the formula, the one thing you did not really surrender in your M.T. [Magister Templi] Attainment, thought you did. You could go back if you found you were wrong. But by holding it you risk the trouble of those keep back a single drop of their blood: see Liber 418 [The Vision and the Voice]. I see an evil influence from this source in the Quija Board work.


But the responsibility is yours. Personally, I have always found it error to consider any material being as real: I am more and more sure of this as time goes on. We have to master sex, and if we fool ourselves about this, we are dragged down, Honestly, I do not know of one single case where a man stuck to any woman, on whatever grounds, without magical error. With you, the whole tone of your relation seems wrong: the seeming help is the worst feature, since the net result is that you are inhibited from taking any definite step, and also that your true power is constantly being cut off, and your sense of reality clouded by illusion.


I want to tell you particularly, in re the IXth, that "human affection" is a terrible drawback. You can have the active fire of lust: all the better: but when the pull is on you, it is all hotch-potch.


I did not intend to say all this, or any of it: but I find myself compelled.


Finally, I am absolutely certain that any force or idea whatsoever that tends to prevent you from coming to work with me for a time is the force of 333. Kill it. Kill it. Kill it.


Love is the law, love under will!


With all my paternal love




