Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones








[6 March 1918]



My beloved son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours dated Feb 27—this is March 6—gladdens my paternal heart. I seem to have heard that word Money somewhere, only I can't think where. (Have you got that 8 quid, by the way? If so, send it along, with all the rest available, for the Eq[uino]x Vol III. fund. I started Vol. I on 12 quid, and have already put away $130 for this. Damn it, we're billionaires.) If you could fix it so as to get here, you could stay with me at least until I got you a job, which I could surely do, as I am working with a Relief bureau. I think you would get a much better salary than you do there: and I have real need of you, not only for instruction etc., but to help me get out a whole lot of stuff for the Eqx. F'rinstance, there's all the Qabalah notes of six years: there's the Magus initiation, which must be supplemented by your own work; there's all the IX work, in cipher and muddle on the top of it. And the Lord knows what else.


However, I think you are right about the pieces fitting together at the right moment. I know well that I am an impatient ass. Yet I do really expect that this Spring will see a definitive move. I only want you to concentrate on the G.W. [Great Work]. I was afraid that R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] was a fetter: you shewed a curious attitude about which one might call Freudian. (Heard of Freud in B.C.? Read the blighter.) It does seem to me that something like a Conventicle of the Chiefs is to be desired: also, I am bound to work with Windram [James Windram] at the Dee [Dr. John Dee] stuff. It's a big job, and no error. There's the Greek Qabalah, too; and who shall rescue that from Justus Moriar? It is this that puts the snow in these thin paternal locks M.E.R.D.E.—this is at least one of the Words of the Aeon.


Love is the law, love under will!


Thy Sire.




