Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
63 [Washington Square].
Friday. [Undated: circa late March 1919]
My beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
To-day I dispatched Kennedy's [Leon Engers Kennedy] piccy [pictures] ($666) and mine ($500) by express carriage forward. To-morrow I will try to get off your 6 Eq[uino]x, and some books, souvenirs for the B[lessed] b[rethren]. Also a Rodin [Rodin in Rime] and Amphora, samples, and a press review of Book 4 [Part I & Part II].
Minerval ritual probably ready on Sunday.
Send by return some of the theosophical advt. [advertising].
Brentano's [booksellers] seem interested. They say local sales don't amount to anything: we need mailing lists. I propose to offer them special terms to push us; they have 100,000 names. I am writing an advt. for them. Push through Book 4; that is our No. 1 bet.
Send me a copy of Whitty's letter.
Nothing much has transpired; I am working hard on the ritual proposition. I want Lodge [Frank T. Lodge] to come here soon; I'm writing him to-morrow. All's well, but I'm very broke, there being no news from England.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy sire,