Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
57 Grand River Ave. W. Detroit, Mich.
March 12, 1919 E.V.
My Beloved Father:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I had a letter from you today for which many thanks.
I've been getting a fairly good little crowd at the Lectures. I don't quite know how many, perhaps 50 or so, but I got more last time than before, and, by the way, the collection was nearly double. I expect to get a larger following as time goes on. Monday is not a good night, but I am in hopes of making arrangements for Sunday, and then I may get two or three hundred. I am holding a little private class tonight for those who wanted more information.
We wrote to Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] and Windram [James Windram], but I'll write again personally, right away. As you say, we need their support. I'll look out for trouble, all right, as long as we don't go broke, I think we can stand a lot.
Your remark at the end of A.W.R.'s [Albert W. Ryerson] letter has puzzled him quite a bit, but I think done good.
I shall be very pleased to see Sister Marie if she comes to the City. I shall do what I can to get her support.
I will see what I can prepare on Liber LXXI [Voice of the Silence] for April. That ad should stir things up a bit, I think A.W.R. is sport enough to put it out.
We expect to celebrate the Equinox with a banquet. We shall drink your good health and freedom from all restriction, in some simple beverage. I wish it could be in something stronger.
Things are moving along very well, I think and I'm getting into my stride. I should like to put on the Mass of the Phoenix, but need a proper robe and the Ritual, which I do not know by heart. Also Oil etc.
Am ordering some of this paper with seal both O.T.O. and private A∴A∴ It is rather nice I think. I'm getting ready for the rush when the Eqx [Equinox Vol III No. I] comes out.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy son.