Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
57 Grand River Ave. West. Detroit, Mich.
March 19, 1919 E.V.
My Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
You will think that I am even more dead than yourself, since I have not found a moment to answer your last THREE letters but really I have had all I could do just lately. I have come to the office to-night in order to get at the typewriter and to have a little time to answer you fully.
Re. Frank Lodge [Frank T. Lodge]. He is away for a few days, but I was with him for a few minutes before he left, and said I would give you his name and address, so that you might start communication. His office is 715 Majestic Building, Detroit, Mich. I told you the situation before, it must be a Council of three for the moment. I have not hurried to Affiliate him, because I expected you to send the new Preliminary Pledge Form; now you seem to suggest that it would be well for us to get the 33 in his outfit before going ahead. Do I get you there? I don't know if he is in any position to confer this, or whether, in my case at any rate, I should have to go right through the degrees. If free, O.K. if not, takes time. Perhaps you will see fit to write and get things on the move. Let me know what you have said though. He is quite satisfied with this child, I think. I'm not crying out for assistance. The little group of his I've taken on also appears well pleased with our teachings etc., as far as they have received them. I think all will be well in that respect.
Re Gnostic Church. I quite understood about true Ordination etc., but I was surprised to find how easily another person here got a charter from the State to start some kind of Church—as he calls it—and wondered if it would be well to get one so that when the row starts, if it does, we could show 'em a paper and a seal etc., and kick 'em out. You may think me over cautious and silly but I thought it would save argument or question.
I'll approach O.H.O. [Theodor Reuss] as you suggest.
News re Mather [MacGregor Mathers] encouraging, seems as if They are clearing the ground for us.
Detroit is not Heaven, but I haven't met many women yet, and what I have met are none too fresh.
I'll open that charge account for you, of course. We have not the Pistis Sophia, but are advertising for it. Will let you know soon as one turns up.
I understand about the Phoenix Robe, didn't mean to suggest yours. Silk is expensive though, and had hardly considered the effect of lifting my veil at a public meeting. Dede [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones] heard me discussing it, and suggested a leaf on the sacred part. Not bad for a youngster.
Will communicate WORD [Word of the Equinox] as soon as received. We have taken a private room for 12 or more at a Club for Saturday at 7 for a little Celebration and festivity.
Yes, the financial question of USB [Universal Book Stores] is very much to the fore. It looks as if they were going to get some backing that will help out a great deal, within the next few days. I think that ch[e]q[ue] $500 will be sent on time, it wouldn't be a bad idea, if not received to delay the main order till you get it. I should insist on those notes, I think too. They pay up, when they have to, but they are a bit hampered by lack of funds. If we could sell some stock, it would relieve the strain a bit. R. [Albert W. Ryerson] plunges a bit too much, I think. He needs to attend to present obligations first, and then branch out again. He should have written to you before this, but he is pretty well all in one way and another. Looks like one big wreck. I think he'll pull through though. I'll get after him again to-morrow and make him write. That name you suggested for Ouija, has already been used, just recently. Think of another in the meanwhile. R. wants to go ahead with that matter I think. I really haven't had the time to draw out the sketches, will do so first moment I have to myself.
There's too damned much work and cleaning up and money grabbing in this business to suit me. What I needed (we thought) was more leisure. I haven't any at all now. I rush off to give a lecture, without any preparation at all, but it seems to go all right. Last Monday, I simply had to use the invocation of Thoth from Israfel, and did so. He came to mine aid and I talked for well over an hour, without notes, and rather well I understand. Was all in when I started, but freshened up wonderfully. Dr. B[owman] then drove us to the Chinese Pav[illion] and gave us a good feed and took us home. Felt better.
I had a good many more applications for private class on Thursday. I don't think there will be room for them in my tiny place at 91. Glad to see some interest though. Have got the best of the T[heosophical] S[ociety] interested enough to come on Mondays.
I don't think it would ever do for R. to get hold of any REAL information for the next ten years or so. He made an awful ass of himself by all accounts with what he did know. He is one of those suckers that knows everything. Samadhi, O yes, I've had that. Nirvana my private kitchen. Liber Aleph, quite elementary. Work, nothing doing.
I shall be glad to learn the terrible truth about H.P.B.'s [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky] Himogs [Holy Illuminated Man of God]. We are getting a little folder printed for Theosophists.
Thanks for two addresses of those interested in Eq[uino]x and for sending to me direct. One of our group brought out another cutting about your pictures, it was evidently in all papers on circuit.
I really don't know anyone who would do anything about the pictures—here, so far, R. will probably write re. getting that portrait for display. I got the illustration and block from DeVinne. Don't think much of the picture, it's a bad copy anyway for re-production. The Block is made at wrong angle.
By the way, re DeVinne. Will you ask Camp[1] to let me have those negatives please. Also if you want to please your son, you will try and get me a few 165 [A Master of the Temple] pulled off in sheets. Also, if you will send me the tool used for cover, I shall be most grateful, and will return safely and pay carriage, etc. I should like to have it stamped in Gold on my Leather set, just come from Vancouver. It wouldn't cost much, and I've got to send some of them to binders to have pages stuck in, so I might as well improve the binding at same time, if you don't object.
I don't know what to say about your coming here. It might be good and it might not. I shall leave it to the Gods for the moment, and see what events bring forth. There's something going to happen honey. I don't quite know what. Time will show.
Love to all and Greeting for Anno XV and Eq[uino]x.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy son.
1—[Henry B. Camp photographed Jones for "A Master of the Temple."]