Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
63, W.[ashington] Sq.[uare]
27th March. [1919]
My beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Thanks for your wire. The cheque arrived this morning, and I enclose herewith your fifty. Please find out cautiously if it is possible to discount the notes in Detroit; I want to get busy with [Equinox Vol. 3] No. 2 at once, and cash may be needed. I hope Ouija goes through; I need something that is not mere capital. There's a loss on Eq[uino]x [Vol. 3 No. 1], as it is.
Stamps will be sent you in about ten days. I can only find one of your negatives; will ask Camp again.
I am feeling rotten; I've been fasting, and last night Chanler [Bob Chanler] tried to prove to me that it is impossible to drink too much 1826 Brandy. He succeeded. First time in my life I ever got drunk. Now I know what it's like, and—never again!
Love is the law, love under will.
Your repentant sire,
P.S. Most important to settle policy, if not business, re [Equinox Vol. 3] No. 2.
And Book 4 is of the first weight upon thy soul.
The Soulless Soul [Leah Hirsig] sends love. 666.