Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Helen Hollis




63, Washington Square,




April 5 [1919].



Darling sweetheart baby girl,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


It was very sweet of you to send me the cutting; but you are a horrid little pig not to have sent me the picture of yourself you promised so long ago. The Queen of the dead souls [Leah Hirsig] wants to see it, too. You will have to meet her, of course. It ought to be all right, you are such a perfect little plum-pudding: and if so, there will be no reason why you should not stay in this luxurious apartment; only, as I said, you will have to work some place most of the day, because of not interfering with my work.


I wish you had come up a month ago; as it is, we are starting pink teas on the 20th; and it would be a good thing if we had you in a crimson and ochre kimono to lend a touch of colour to this drab studio.


Love is the law, love under will.


Ever your eager sweetheart,


