Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
April 6, 1919
63 Washington Sq., New York
My beloved son, in whom I am agreeably surprised!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
There are two Ryersons [Albert W. Ryerson]. A is a clean straight, honorable, high-minded man: B is a shifty, dishonest rascal, dirty and ragged with delusions of grandeur and persecution: in other words he is not Ryerson at all, but an obsessing devil. Observe the change between Saturday afternoon and Monday morning. It is up to you to drive B out. You can recognize him by the dirty ragged grey aura. When he appears, speak only to him words of exorcism. Let all the brethren act like this. If B succeeds in permanent obsession, Ryerson will have to be certified insane. It is our business to save him because he is our brother and has been used by the Gods to bring about the fulfillment of their will. You might show this to Ryerson himself when he is himself. . .
Affiliate Hill quickly, and get [Dr. Frank E.] Bowman to collect the dues. I am more or less penniless and cannot work even for U.[niversal] B.[ook] S.[tores] without carfare. . .
I hope you understand my telegram—I have thought things over, and wish to use the way of the Tao. The gods are on the job, I am sending you two pictures for window display with 6 Equinox and the Book of Lies with other books for other brethren.
Keep me informed very fully of the situation.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy Sire,
P.S. I enclose Rodin [Rodin in Rime] and Amphora for use in proposed deals. Above all, press on with Book 4. When Ryerson gets 1,000 copies sold in a month, as he will, he will feel better. Do not stint on advertising matter—especially as to Equinox I [Equinox Vol. III No. 1].
Lazenby [Charles Lazenby] address in Baltimore wanted quick.
Approach De Lawrence Freke, and A. C. McClurg, Chicago. Do not limit number of copies you offer & cut price close. Nothing is easier than to have reprints made.
PPS. Get busy with District Attorney & Burleson re Azoth[?].