Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
63 Washington Square, New York.
Apr 20, 1919.
My beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The attack continues merrily. Your holy and adulterous step-mother, Olun [Marie Lavrov], very nearly died of pneumonia. Her address is Glendale Sanitarium Glendale, Cal. Get her to come right out and prepare a centre for us in that district. I should send her an editorial Equinox with instructions to get busy lecturing on it as soon as she is better—but, of course, the matter rests entirely in your own hands. Betty Bickers [Betty Sheridan-Bickers] is free of her crazy husband [Horace Sheridan-Bickers] for the time being, at least, and she, too, might act as Equinox agent etc. Her address is 302 Formosa Apt., Hollywood Bvd, Hollywood, Cal.
I, myself got it on Wednesday night. I put some Calamine lotion on a spot which had been slightly chafed by the trip and spent the next two hours or so in the most excruciating agony. At this moment I, have what I may describe as a "De luxe edition of Burns" about a foot square of purple patches. The pain is very considerable. Of course I took the lotion to the chemist who had prepared it the following day, and we both applied it without the slightest bad results. My congratulations to Mr. Whitty, [Michael Whitty] or whoever it is, on an extremely successful operation! It is quite the best thing along this line that I have struck in a long while.
I enclose letter from Bertha Callaway for you to answer. My memory is not clear; but I think she is mixed up with the 'blind devil of Southhampton,' who tries to excite compassion for his state, and works spy business—but, these people are so unimportant that I do not even remember their names. I never remember anybody but people who are doing constructive work.
I am not quite sure whether I remembered to put a book for Hill in the box containing your Equinox etc.—if not, please write me immediately. I should hate to leave him out. Ryerson [Albert W. Ryerson] is quite a sport—he sent me a perfectly beautiful Easter lily—it blooms before Ho Tai. I have an idea the Russell [C. F. Russell] could be a great deal of help to you. It ought to be perfectly easy for him to get a job in Detroit. He doesn't mind working as a waiter or anything else, and you could use him to do all the odd jobs. Let me know about this immediately.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy Sire,