Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





63, Washington Square,

N.Y. City.



June 28, 1919. E.V.



My beloved son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Your silence has wrung my paternal entrails; yea, the bowels of the aged sire are as if put through a mangle. However, be it so! I know that you are on some knightly quest, not nightly quest. Looking over Fourth, I deem a good deal of work necessary. There is too much discontinuity with Third.


I expect to go on a Small M.[agical] R.[etirement] on Wednesday next; it would be filial of you to lend me your sleeping-bag. Away not far, and for two or three weeks only; as at any moment I may be compelled to return to the city to attend to business (Lord grant it!) and in any case there is the matter of correcting proofs of [Equinox Vol. 3] No. 2. (Please do not get the idea that I have come into a fortune; it is the Gods that work according to their will.) If you can spare the bag, express it at once; I don't want to delay start, 'cos of holidays. And send me a wire if you can do this; I'll take good care of it, and be very grateful.


I think this plan is very good; it should about give time for things to right themselves. I shall send The Spiritual Chain to England, to hurry things there.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy sire,




Love to all; would be fine if you could join me for awhile in S.[mall] M.[agical] R.[etirement]


