Correspondence from Emily Smith to Frank Bennett






Agapae Lodge

138, 13th Street, E.

North Vancouver


March 30th, 1920 E.V.


V[ery]. I[llustrious]. Sir Knight Frank Bennett,

15 Emmett Street,

North Sydney.



Dear Brother,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your letter of Feb 7th just received and I hasten to reply so that it may catch the outgoing Niagra on her return trip.


The Right Worshipful Master and Brethren of this Lodge will be most glad to welcome Bro. Ross[1] on his arrival from his distant home.


In respect of his meeting Frater V.I.O. [Charles Stansfeld Jones], I am sorry to say that he will have to travel somewhat further to do that as he is not at present in Vancouver. It is also unfortunate that our R[ight]. W[orshipful]. M[aster]. who is also a Brother of the Illustrious Order of AA will not be here to welcome him, as he is leaving us in a few days to join Frater V.I.O. in connection with the Work, for an indefinite period.


In the matter of his meeting with our Holy Father it may be a little difficult as the last news we had of him, stated that he was in retirement somewhere in France. As however this was two or three months ago he may by the time Bro Ross gets here have returned to America. There might also be some difficulty in procuring an interview with so Illustrious a Being.


However Frater V.P.O.V. [Wilfred T. Smith] our R.W.M. will carry news of Bro. Ross’s intentions and on his arrival here we shall doubtless have some communication for him.


I trust that the Work is progressing well with you. We at the moment are busy as we are putting a candidate through to the tonight and tomorrow night, he having arrived unexpectedly from a 400 mile journey for the purpose.


Love is the law, love under will.


Fraternally yours

in the Bonds of the Order


E[mily]. S[ophis]. Talbot Smith

Provincial Grand Secretary General.



1—David Ross was a Sydney man who Bennett had recently initiated into the III° of the O.T.O. He was then planning to visit North America where he hoped to stay in Vancouver for a while to study with Frater Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones], and also to meet up with Crowley in the United States. His travel plans eventually collapsed—apparently due to family commitments.


