Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
January 25, 1921
My beloved son:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Thank you very much for the photograph. It is well that you have someone to flatter you, as your old father wouldn't do it.
We had an offer for the whole of our English Equinox, but, of course, had to refuse it in loyalty to you. Please note, however, that our action with regard to this stock has left us in a desperate financial condition—I am just off to Paris on a forlorn hope. We need, moreover, $1500 for Equinox III, 2 and there is also the question of publishing the Book of the Law and its Comment. I have been working very hard on this last during the last couple of months and it is going to be very fine. I am transferring Qabalistic stuff to an appendix. Your Liber 31 will appear almost as it stands. I am doing all in my power to get hold of the MS. and the Stele, as these must be reproduced. I hope passionately that some way may open to enable us to get on with our public work. Please so your damnedest.
I enclose your Mrs. Van Brunt's latest jackassery, and my reply to it.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy Sire,
P.S. The Qabalist, Alostrael [Leah Hirsig], told me last night that by reversing the digits of 12 & 13, whose product is 156, and multiplying one got the reversed product 651. Can you follow this up?
PP.S. We are having great success every night with rituals, the order being Pentagram, Creed, Collects, then anything special as occasion dictates, Benediction and O.T.O. applause. The effect has been magnificent.