Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Apartment Eleven, 1515 Howard Street, Detroit, Michigan.
January 30th 1921 E.V.
My Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
We have had a great pleasure in a visit from an old friend of yours, Norman Mudd [Norman Mudd], a Cambridge man who is now Professor of Math. at the Grey University Coll. Bloemfontein. S.A. He had come to Europe to seek for further knowledge of the A∴A∴ and Its Work, and he followed the trail till he eventually arrived here. We found him very good company, and it was quite a treat to meet one who knew many of the old London crowd personally, and who has a real love for the work, and for everything connected with A.C.
He has returned to England, where he is going to spend his few remaining days before his boat leaves, in interesting his friends at Oxford and Cambridge in the Work, and I am in hopes that good will result. He became a Probationer while here, and would join the O.T.O. and perhaps, if necessary start things in Bloemfontein, and this may have the effect of making W. [James Windram] get things going again in Johannesburg.
He will write to you himself no doubt.
I can give you no definite news about Chicago, or other matters for the moment, but I have strong hopes of new developments in the near future. It's about time we left the lecture hall over Ryersons [Albert W. Ryerson], as they have renumbered it 333.
Our Lady Nuit [illegible] more favaourable unto her Servant.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy son.
P.S. It may well be that R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] will spend a six month's holiday in England very soon, and she seems willing to start a kind of agency for the books if it could be arranged. What think you, have you any suggestions to make?