Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
June 24th 1921. E.V.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letter and two parcels sent off on May 30th arrived here yesterday. I was very glad to get all these, and they came at just the psychological moment. I have refrained from writing for a little while, for reasons of my own, chiefly because Success is the only proof, but I now feel I can make certain statements without fear of being mis-understood.
I note your remarks about Alestla, but am of the opinion that there is much yet that you do not know in that connection. However, time will show as usual. I, too, have some knowledge of the Fourth Power, which is as it should be. Amen. I doubt the ultimate truth of your statement that S.H. Fratres have no other excuse for bodily manifestation but their pledge of renunciation etc." I can conceive of a further truth nearer to the nature of things as they are. Again it matters little at this moment.
Beloved, the sorrow and shame, will soon pass away. And the Hidden Blessing of the Great Curse become manifest.
I admire your attitude greatly in regard to your Art, also I admire your work. It is wonderful. This question of money may I think be solved in other ways by adopting the principles of Reciprocal Service. I feel we have long misunderstood this, but will take up the matter later. While on the subject, however, I should like to mention that I have given up my position as an accountant to take up that of a Public Accountant in a larger sense. The books, left in my charge, are proving one means of enabling me to tide over till all plans are made for big things in September. My purse, like the widows curse has always had just enough for needs of myself and those who are with me in this work. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] voluntary gave up his work when he left Detroit. One must play the game and be a gambler, but such is the current that success seems well nigh assured. My idea is to send you money to help the work just as soon as this appears in reasonable quantities, also to publish the necessary literature here and so on. Mudd [Norman Mudd] did not send what he promised for Book 4. III [Magick in Theory and Practice] and has disappeared strangely. Yet I know him to be a good man and true, and with your permission shall dedicate that vol to him, even though I must seek funds elsewhere.
Without asking for it I have, in one instance, been promised a donation of $100,000.00 in the course of a few months. I only wish you to take this as an indication and to in no way rely on that promise, since so far it is unfulfilled. I am getting into touch with the very best people here, each one, so far, cane be used in quite a definite way when the time comes.
My Work requires that I be left to work out this problem of the Material Universe, in my own way—as formerly—and I know, by now, you can trust me to do this in an even more practical manner than may at first have been apparent in the Wandering Fool. Don't forget that there is the Warrior aspect of 418, and I'll deal hardly with them if necessary. But, Beloved, there are two kinds of War engine, the Tanks may have been one aspect, but AHBH is the other, and Who understandeth this better than AChD. There leave the abominable lonely One alone for he hath followed closely the five footprints of a Camel in the sand.
Now to more important things. It is written Lest there be folly thou shall comment thereon by the Wisdom off R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit]. I feel assured in the Light of mine office, I shall be able to place in your hands an entirely new and unexpected interpretation of many verses of Liber Legis, and that this further comment will prove of the utmost practical use to all. Therefore is it well that you other comments have been delayed in printing, because (or rather A-cause) of the fall of B-cause that he was not there again. Please note the Qabalistic Proof of this statement, but let it be secret for the time. My ring contains the following
Now the One is 777, and the other 136 which is 913 which is In the Beginning, which aging adds to 13.
But In the Beginning was A-cause of All, therefore is reason a lie, and all there words are skew-wise. But of all this mere anon at the proper time and place.
My plan is to perfectly Unify all existing systems in the simpliest manner, leaving all things as they are, proving that all prophets are true, save that they understand a little. I think we shall be able to give the keys, in time, so that the Catholics, Protestants, Masons, Hebrews, and all the others shall be satisfied that they were all right and that Liber Legis Proves it.
Then we shall have Peace.
This sounds a tall order but is much simplier than it sounds. Also I am of the opinion hat the old A∴A∴ System is nearly through. That the Abyss business will no longer be the bar it has been, except to those who are hopelessly tangled up in the old Aeon—if such still exist.. That we shall be able to give the results of the Highest Samahdi to school children as a part of their education, that that kind of Attainment will cease to be so highly valued, as such, and therefore the people will turn their attention to the improvement of this Kingdom simply and naturally as of right. In other words the Day pf Be-With-Us is here.
Beloved, I have spoken enough for this time. My blessing be upon Thee and Thine as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen.
Love is the law, love under will.