Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





September 27th 1921 E.V.




Coll. ad Spiritum Sanctum. Cefalu.





Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I have a letter of yours unanswered. I am afraid, and now I have another from Soror Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] telling me you are not feeling very well, and I'm worried about you and anxious to hear you are all right again.


I don't know what to do re O.T.O.—you will have had the copy of the letter from O.H.O. [Theodor Reuss] and my reply, which was all I had time to forward just then.


I am so glad to feel from your letter that any misunderstanding is sacked and that you realize we are doing what we can here. Things are still going ahead nicely.


There seems just a possibility that Mrs. Ford will visit your College with the idea of preparing herself more fully for Work out here. It may be such a move will be helpful in many ways.


I received additional matter for Book 4 Part III [Magick in Theory and Practice]; what I have seen of it is fine, though I do think that for a popular treatise some of the ideas introduced in re. Satan etc. may limit its sale. It really is not a good plan in my estimation to go too strong on our exoteric books, otherwise they simply do not sell. The reason Book 4 Parts I and II have been so popular is that they were cheap in price and profound yet clear and did not give offense to anyone. We need more such at once, so as to get people going a bit and broaden their outlook before introducing ideas they are quite incapable of comprehending from their present view point, however wonderful they may be to us, or to those who have acquired a different view through study of the Equinox etc.


By the way, will you let us have a few copies of the 'Star in the West' from England, and some Konx Om Pax. They would help sell Collected Works etc.


I noticed your puzzle in regard to IAO being 666 by virtue of Numbers, last night. I suppose one contracts Yod to One, expands A to III, leaves V as 6 and then multiplies all together. How's that?


Have you noticed the very interesting form of Tetragrammaton uttered by the average man when he enters the closet and shuts the door. He generally starts by the use of Yod, which produces water, naturally followed by air and Earth. The High Priests of old who uttered this once a year were evidentially constipated.


I am very interested in the Dew you mention, which is what I understood as the Double Mercury. What is your idea of its use in regard to IX? Should it be used separately?


Love is the law, love under will,


As ever,


