Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
c/o Parker Garrett & Co. St. Michael's Rectory Cornhill London E.C.
[Undated: 7 May 1922]
Cara Soror.
Please get either
(a) the letter from the London Police stating that I am "bene conoscuito [well known]" at Scotland Yard itself: or
(b) a certified copy of that letter: or
(c) the signature of the man who wrote it, and the date
But (a) or (b) are much preferable.
Tell the Commissario that I am in London to find out who is at the bottom of the attacks on my character: I think you can get him to sympathize and help.
I should like also press cuttings (one or two) describing the police court proceedings re 93 Regent Street and saying that I am a traitor etc. I want also the bound volume of the "International" and any short stories or essays of mine that may be available. Also a copy of Eq[uino]x III. 1. (not the morocco bound copy). Have this parcel insured or registered and send also copies of O.T.O. rituals, but not the "Secrets".
The above must be my address at present. It is wretched to be away from the place I love so—to say nothing of the people—but it is imperative that I should put things once for all on a firm financial basis, and also that I should put a stop to the senseless persecution business.
Kiss everybody all round for me I'm fearfully busy.
93 93/93.
The Beast 666.