Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett
31 Wellington Square, Chelsea S.W.3.
July 3 / [19]22
Dear Aha!
Your two letters addressed to me at Cefalu were forwarded by Jane [Jane Wolfe]. I was delighted to get them especially as they tell me that the veil seems to be lifting. We've all had a tremendous struggle—every one in his own way—but I feel sure that it is leading us forward (to the next struggle, no doubt) but forward and not backwards.
I've been in London just four weeks and in that time, Beast has written a 100,000 word novel [Diary of a Drug Fiend] which I took down in long hand. It was fascinating though somewhat fatiguing work. It goes to the publisher to-day and ought to appear in about two months' time. What a chance to put over the Law.
You hit me very hard when you said "I think also, I have been waiting for things to turn up. Now I know I must turn them up myself." Those words of wisdom struck home, and I want to thank you for them—also, send some more.
Beast is sleeping—he has had a very heavy cold for the past week but kept on dictating through his nose or any old way so as to finish the book in time—It was a contract. He will add a few lines to you when he wakes.
In the meantime, I shall write to Cefalu, to the two finest women I have ever met. I hope they write to you sometimes.
We are always glad to hear from you. Brother Windram [James Windram] is starting up again, as he says, quietly. Brother Scott is still as romantic as ever but at least now that we hear from him and Windram and Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] and you, it looks as if we could get things really going.
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