Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Box 141 Chicago Ill.
July 12th 1922 E.V.
Beloved Therion,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I was glad to receive your further letter as a supplement to the "harsh" one.
I think you will see by my "supplementary reply" that I realized that any little difference of opinion should not be allowed to interfere with our happy relationship in the G.W. [Great Work]. When one is engaged on a certain aspect of the Work, there is always the possibility of overlooking the importance of other aspects, which in turn may have been in the past, or may again be in the future of particular interest. You are dealing with one set of conditions just now, I with another, we must both try to supply the demand.
Of course I should not approach the Lord Mayor of London through that channel. I should probably take out my Freedom of the City and get into touch with him through the fact that my old Grandsire happened to be Lord Mayor, and so work round to the matter in hand. But, you must remember that you made a great point of Q.B.L. yourself when dealing with Blau [Joel Blau], and you are still patting yourself on the back because you have got that article published [The Jewish Problem Re-stated]. You must not be too inconsistent because your mind is just now running on other lines.
I am very glad to hear of your successes and do trust the Novel will be a great hit. I have no doubt you are both working very hard, and am equally sure you will get the results.
Since orders are coming in every day, in advance, for Q.B.L. I feel there must be a call for it somewhere and I don't think you will find it so very radical in the main. You must remember practically all books on Q.B.L. are out of print. Kab. Unveiled is selling in Eng for about 3 to 4 pounds. 777 is advertised at 3/15/- and it is not everyone who can afford a set of Eq[uino]x. I think my little book will meet an immediate need, and may lead to greater things.
Love is the law, love under will,
As ever,