Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Oct 3rd 1922 E.V.



Beloved Fellow Star,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I have delayed a few days in answering your letter of Sep 13th, which I was very glad to receive, although the news of Lea's [Leah Hirsig] health worries me.


I am, myself, at a critical juncture financially, and although I hope to be of help in the near future, I cannot make an immediate response. I waited to see how things turned out in my new venture, but so far the money situation is not settled.


First in regard to Q.B.L. The books are in my hands at last, after repeated delays and troubles, but I am bound to hold them until the Publication date, which will be October 14th, on account of the International Copyright which makes it essential to Publish simultaneously in Europe and America. I will send you a copy immediately after that date. I do hope the book will be a success as it means much to me, but I think the simple exposition of the main Doctrines, apart from the Appendix, will be useful to a great many students and find a ready response. In fact the response has been very gratifying, and were it not for the fact that the cost of reproduction was more than doubled all would be well. As it is I owe nearly as much as I did when I started after paying more than I first expected. The book looks well however and if favourably received, will be alright.


Developments in other directions, are however of greater importance. This season, after devoting all my holiday to the printers, I started Lectures once more on July 2nd. I tried The Masonic Temple instead of The State Lake Building, but got very few people the first two Sunday mornings. On September the 14th I thought of a New Word




and this seemed one which contained many essential ideas for a new movement. I pronounced this Word on Sunday the 17th and made it the subject of my Lecture. Things developed fast during the week. By the next Sunday, Sep. 24th, the day following the Equinox I had founded the PSYCHOMAGIAN SOCIETY and our first public Lecture under its auspices was held at The Morrison Hotel. Subject "WILL AUTOSUGGESTION SAVE CIVILIZATION" We found the Parlor which had been arranged for 50 people full to the doors with over a hundred by 11 oc. this continued till perhaps another 60 or more were in the Lobby. We obtained 72 members. Last Sunday Lecture "THE SCIENCE AND ART OF CHANGING THE MIND AT WILL" with a further discussion of Dr Coue's Methods and their relation with Magick, brought enough to fill two parlors, next Sunday we have to take The Rose Room, which will allow seats for over Three Hundred. Tomorrow night at Night at the Hotel we have a meeting for Associates only which now represent about 100 (These having signed up in 8 days.


The first time we paid expenses, but last time we hardly did so owing to the double expense for Hall Rent, but the great thing is to hand on and to Initiate a Large Popular Movement, and this I intend to do if humanly possible.


I can never thank you too much for mentioning Suggestion and Autosuggestion. People are taking to it like wildfire in America, which gives us a chance to use the opportunity to draw the crowds and at the same time explain how our System goes further still.


As you will see by the enclosed card, I have avoided for the moment "Do what thou wilt", which on account of Detroit advertising prejudices many people till they actually hear the System explained. But I have used the idea of "Every Man and every woman is a star" as the first and most important step. People sign the card and agree with the principles, pay 25 cents registration and become associates. I intend to make them full members as they accept the Law. They will then be known as a PSYCHOMAGIAN, and sign another card. I have already initiated a current to start things in Los Angeles and Detroit. We call this the Chicago Constellation. We are also issuing a "Better Day Cord" or Coue Rosary with a green silk knotted cord with a silver Symbol of the P.S.M. attached round which is the slogan "Day by Day etc" This will sell by the thousand I think and prove good advertising.


Yesterday I found a Publisher who gave me an order to write a little book like Coue's for sale at $1.00 and who will also market the Cords. We have various interpretations of the letters on Symbol beside Psycho Magian Society. For instance PRACTICE SELF MASTERY, and PRACTICE SILENT MEDITATION, etc. for use as things develop. The whole thing will take the form of a popular "Better Day Movement" for those who have realized something of the result of the Suggestions and of their own essential Starry Nature. My latest effort is:


Hour after hour

—Asleep, at Work, at Play—

My Inner Self proclaims:

"A Better Day"


This looks to me like the chance to develop a current that will be the means of putting things over, in the long run.


Enough for this time. I will send you a "Cord" shortly and I enclose a card, will you sign it and return for purposes of record at the same time accepting Honorary Membership in the Society, as the first of our Honoured Members.


Love is the law, love under will,


Yours in the Universal Constellation,


