Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




21 Cleveland Gardens

Hyde Park W.2.



[Undated: Received 22 October 1922]



Beloved 516—Estai—Metonith—Jane


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


At last I answer your letter—though I have not got it by me. The point about Love and Friendship is that these things, as usually understood, are messy and jumpy.


666 is a Thought in your mind; and if he is a disturbing, irritating, exciting Thought, he prevents you from Stopping Thinking. See?


You and I ought to feel each other as identical; if not, we must unite by love under will, as distinguished from love under hashish. See?


Now I am hoping to see you here in London before I leave. Your work in Cefalù is at an end for the present; you are needed here to carry on what I have begun.


Practical points: I got here in May with less than £10, no clothes but Highland clothes, and no friends or prospects that I could rely on.


You have learnt not to fear: anyhow, you have a less hopeless-looking job than I had; and you may remember, in a pinch, that I have made good. In fact, I have done more in these 5 1/2 months towards practical success than I ever did in 5 1/2 years before.


Betty [Betty Sheridan-Bickers] (I hope) is going to Cefalù on the 29th instant; if so, Hammond [Benjamin Charles Hammond] will no doubt put you up—and up with you!—while you are getting on your feet. Sheilogh will introduce you to quite a number of quite helpful people who are already much impressed by the Law, and can be licked into shape and sent to Cefalù to be trained, very easily, not that you have real experience both of spiritual things and of dealing with people under divers kinds of moral stress. You will be able to lecture at the Women's Clubs and to write articles about your life at the Abbey with its wealth of spiritual and material adventure. Also, I can arrange for personal introduction to three separate film companies.


"Success is your proof"—and I haven't a doubt of it.


"The Diary of a Drug Fiend". incidentally, should be a mascot. Personal paragraphs must be sent round the Press—I have a man who can give you personal letters to men on every important paper—to the effect that you are the Sister Athena in the book, and are going to give talks about your own experiences at the Abbey [Abbey of Thelema]. If you work this well, the book will sell you, and you will sell the book.


Please remember that you can help very greatly by sending people to the Abbey, not merely for the social and economic support, but because each new type extends my experience of how to apply the Law to the best advantage. I hope that—provided I survive the transit of Saturn over my radical Sol at the end of the year—I may soon be able to do neatly and eloquently for others what I did so clumsily for you in 2 1/2 months instead of as many years.


As for myself, the symbol ( of ) for these 6 months shows you realizing yourself by communicating your enthusiasm to others, and pouring forth showers of blessing on them by transmitting the message of inspiration.


You must put resolutely away every thought of making any spiritual advance for yourself as distinguished from all those with whom you come into contact. They are the uninitiated parts of yourself; your business is to bring them into Light.


Things are still very difficult here for me; but very likely the publication of the Drug-Fiend was delayed so that you might be in London when it appeared, and operate the savages indicated above.


No more now: I have several important letters to write, and a meeting to address to-morrow.


Prepare them for the greatest Adventure of all, the supreme initiation of uniting your spirit with that of mankind at large!


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours ever fraternally,


The Beast 666.


P.S. I am quite likely to send £10.0.0 for your journey in a day or two. In fact, I may arrange with Cooks' here to have a ticket at your disposal in Palermo, and send you £5 for individual expenses—so as to minimize risk. So rushed! 666.


