Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum, Cefalù, Sicily.
Nov. 22, 1922.
My beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for yours of Oct. 23-27. I have not the list of the special books available. The package contains example of every item in every form, with the exception of the vellum editions of Konx Om Pax and that of Clouds without Water. There are also numerous bound manuscripts. That should be sufficient information to induce the interested man to put up the small sum required to have them brought to Chicago and properly catalogues and described.
I have not received Q.B.L. to my great regret. Please send me a copy direct to Cefalu. I will also write to Shirley [Ralph Shirley] by this mail and ask him to let me have a copy for review, in which case I will do my best to boost it.
I have the solar manifesto, which strikes me rather ingenious and inoffensive. I take it that you will form galaxies pledged to the Law of Thelema.
Windram [James Windram] has written me in much detail about Freud. He points out that the attitude of Liber Legis towards pity (which has been criticized by the sentimentalists) is profoundly philosophical. We insult the royalty and independence of other stars by compassion. I hope you have got the conception of the Universe which I have recently formulated more clearly than in the past well and microcosmic in your mind. I want to insist on the absolute analogy of the macroscopic universe as also the atomic. Each star, Ego, or atom is an entirely independent unit, complete in itself, yet imperfect as compared with the whole, its particular qualities being its defects. Each, while isolated from the rest by spaces very great in proportion to its own dimensions, is yet in relation with all other stars, its movements being to some extent affected by them through gravitation, which represents "Lover under will". The tendency of each star is to relieve the strain of separateness by uniting. Gravitation, physical love, intellectual comprehension, and Samahdi are thus expressions of separate planes of a single force.
I enclose a signed corrected card. [in handwritten note: "Seems to have gotten misplaced—will send when found.] I think you should not hesitate to introduce the fundamental principles of CCXX as the basis of everything. The altruist, for example, may criticize Coué. You must show "It is a lie, this folly against self" and emphasize the mischief done by well-meaning meddlers. It is an impertinence to patronize other people. Independence and self-respect are the basis of good manners. Humanity can only progress by each of its members becoming free. Gregarious animals are never noble. The tendency of modern civilization is towards the type of sheep, the wolf, the bee, and the ant. It is defended by the false analogy of the organization of special cells to compose an individual. We want each man and woman to be equally the Ego, whose instrument is firstly his own mind and body, secondly he fellow stars', and thirdly the rest of nature.
Yes, Coué has been badly understood and badly translated. I congratulate you on your reading of his formula.
I wrote about the Word of the Equinox some weeks ago.
Once more, I have not yet had Q.B.L.. I will ask Shirley about the new Sepher Yetzirah.
I am glad you have no troubles. John Bull has just published another stupidity about me, a mere re-hash of previous bunkum.
My novel [Diary of a Drug Fiend] has not yet reached me, though I gather that it is out. I hope you will make full use of it. Firstly, it preaches the Law very fully, and shows the practical application in certain cases. Secondly, it describes our life here very attractively. I feel sure that you should be able to persuade one or more people to come here for training. If you did, it would relieve our immediate financial anxieties and form a basis of new developments.
I feel that I made an absolute success of my campaign in England; and the harvest is ripening. I am not worrying. My only feeling is that I might be using some of my faculties more fully. It would buck me up to have the added responsibility of initiating people personally, and each new pupil adds to my experience.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy sire,
The Beast 666.
P.S. In case my previous letter miscarried, I enclose the Word.
Thighs 93 טעעש
(This word means Light—Eyes—Flame—Will.)
Its number is 542 418 + 666 / 2. It means therefore the uniting of To Mega Therion Abrahadabra.
The Thelema Oracle is III-52 "I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed and blind him."
Yi Oracle for the Work of the Order [I Ching Hexagram] No. 60
Yi Oracle for 777 Work of the Order [I Ching Hexagram] No. 49 Ko "Changing."