Last Will and Testament.




Be it Hereby Made Known:


THAT on this 9th day of FEBRUARY in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Three, personally came and appeared before the undersigned witnesses:


NORMAN MUDD, A Professor, presently of the Grey University College, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, who declared his intention to make and execute his Last Will and Testament; wherefore hereby revoking and annulling all Wills, Codicils and other Testamentary Acts heretofore made and passed by him.


The said TESTATOR hereby declared to nominate constitute and appoint:—


ALEISTER CROWLEY, of the "Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum", at Cefalů, Sicily, to be the sole and universal heir of all the Estate and Effects which shall be left by him after his death, whether movable or immovable, and of what kind and nature whatsoever, and wheresoever situate, or whether the same be in possession, reversion remainder or expectancy, nothing excepted.


AND the TESTATOR further declared that should the said ALEISTER CROWLEY predecease him, the said TESTATOR then and in that event, he nominates and appoints


James Windram, An accountant of the firm of WINDRAM & HOOPER, P. O. Box 613, JOHANNESBURG, to be the sole and universal heir of his Estate and Effects as aforesaid.


AND the said TESTATOR further declared to nominate and appoint The SECRETARY for the time being of THE BLOEMFONTEIN BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY LIMITED, of BLOEMFONTEIN, to be the EXECUTOR of his Will and the ADMINISTRATOR of his Estate and Effects, hereby giving and granting unto him all such power and authority as are required or allowed in law and especially that of assumption.


LASTLY the TESTATOR declared to reserve to himself the power, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, to make all such alterations in, or additions to this Will as he may think fit, either by a separate act or at the foot hereof, desiring that all such alterations or additions so made under his own signature shall be held as valid and effectual as if they had been inserted herein.


ALL OF WHICH, having been clearly and distinctly read over to the TESTATOR, he declared that he fully understood the same, and that it contained his last Will and Testament, desiring that it may have effect as such or as a Codicil or otherwise in such manner as may be found to consist with Law.


THUS DONE and passed at BLOEMFONTEIN, on the day, month and year aforesaid in the presence of the subscribed witnesses:




1. [illegible]


2. [illegible]



(Signed) Norman Mudd


