Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd
29 July 1923.
Memorandum for Frater O.P.V.
1. Consult on protocol of Oath (drafted by 666 this afternoon).
2. Confirm Arabic root
I went in blank pages of X vol iii:
3. Russia: alternative (or concurrent plan). Communicate with Leon Trotsky—discuss exquisitely how to introduce 666—to suggest that I be put in charge of a world-wide campaign to eradicate Christianity. Refer to recent diary—during my illness in Cefalu—Jan 23 '23 e.v.—see Silver diary for Yi King divination. Make new divination as to this matter, carefully covering all points: mode of attack, details of presentation. function of Liber 888, suggestion for [illegible] of campaign, method of ensuring successful and secret communications etc. etc.
4. I want the lines:
"Fighting and faithful to the end' a perfect knight, a perfect friend" put into the aura of Frater N.S.F. [J.F.C. Fuller] in some indirect was, not as from 666 or any agent of his.
5. An essay might be written on the cinema as a universal language—depriving each people of national, or religious, moral, or ethical individuality.
6. Greek Testament: are [illegible] and Trotsky [illegible] or the Two Evil Spirits like [illegible] etc. etc.?
7. Consider very carefully the suggestion of a First (privately printed) Edition of the Spirit of Solitude [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]—Paris. I have not sold French rights; anyhow, the book would be different). This book will raise every kind of hell: I ought to be really hidden at [illegible] (the extent of going there by a round about route in disguise, perhaps, after laying false trails. Letter to N[ew] Y[ork] Times on Biltmore stationary, posted by man registered as A.C. and left for Chicago. Another of my arrest in Tibet, my death in Sydney etc. etc.) Collins would march out an [illegible] edition and sell tens of thousands while we, holding back 1,000 of the limited 2000 Paris set could sell these at $50 a copy.
8. Moral of 7. (My original [illegible] in any case.) See to it that every typed page of the Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] contains at least one quotable "spicy" remark. I don't mean 'smutty': but I mean something that will make the average man jump. {illegible], many years [illegible] for [illegible], and she the only white woman I ever fucked whose genitals were those of a fine negress, (Can I get this into Hag? She [illegible]) selecting stories of magic for a series, titles "The Stone of Cybele" as No. 1. Her policy was to rub their noses in it. Let's do it; why not?
9. I want a rough idea of the [illegible] symbols, one or two sample theorems ———
10. Introduce idea "The Stele of Thelema".
11. Hag [illegible—crossed out].
12. [illegible-crossed out]
13. [the following text has been crossed out] Louis Bliss' death shall mean Alma [Alma Hirsig] joining Abbey. Also, there shall be ample capital for a forward movement. We really need Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] here to take the personal work with me. I shall want to go hard at Hag in a week or so. We must discuss all these points the next time you have an hour to spare. I would come to Marsa for dinner, but for chance of finding you.
O.P.V. to write covering letter to Bill [William Seabrook] enclosing a form of declaration for him to sign.
It were surely senseless of Bill to rehash old drivel: the real sensation and [illegible]-value is in clearing up the mess (This apart from any question of Bill's being abominable. Generally: I think the time has come to bring up everybody to a point: are you of 93 or are you not?