Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.
Oct. 1, 1923. e.v.
My beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Greetings of the Autumnal Equinox.
I hasten to send you the Pass Word which please transmit to those entitled it.
You will notice that I have thought it advisable to acquaint those concerned with certain regulations of the A∴A∴ pertinent to the subject in order to guard against various impostures which I have reason to suppose are being or may be attempted.
It is important that you should send Frater O.P.V. (Norman Mudd) c/o E.H. Saayman [Eddie Saayman], New College, Oxford, till further notice the names and addresses of any members of the Order with whom you are in relationship. It is part of his work (CCXX-III-41) to establish a satisfactory system. We count upon your loyal cooperation in our present work which I hope may make things easier for you in many ways.
I hope most earnestly that you will find it possible to come and spend some time with me in the near future. The Work of the Order is taking an important step forward. Since the arrival of O.P.V. very much has been accomplished and you ought to come into close personal touch with us so as to secure the utmost efficiency and harmonious cooperation.
My love to R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] and Dédé [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones] and any others within the radiance of your star.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy sire,
The Beast 666.
P.S. I got your 31 Hymns [XXXI Hymns to the Star Goddess Who is Not] and think them excellent. I am frightfully busy preparing a G.[reat] M.[agical] R.[etirement] or would write enthusiastically and at length. But for God's sake take my criticisms to heart. In things like this, and Parsifal; and when, as in your record, you are recounting facts of experience, you do splendidly. But for Tahuti's sake, do not kid yourself that you are a scholar or ever will be in this Incl! Hell and damnation! My knowledge must be at least 64 times yours; yet I count myself an ignorant ass, and tremble before making any assertion involving academic knowledge.