Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to William Collins, Sons & Co.
Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.
Oct. 4, 1923 e.v.
To Messrs. WM; Collins, Sons & Co., 48 Pall Mall, London.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
On your receiving from me the advice that any sum of money has been cabled to me by Mrs. Bliss [Alma Hirsig] (c/o Professor Norman Mudd, Credit Lyonnais, Tunis), please pay to her instead of to me all sums due to me on account of the American Royalties of "The Diary of a Drug Fiend" or any other of my books, until that sum has been repaid to her.
Love is the law, love under will.
Note. I will write you at once on receipt of the money, stating its amount.