Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 141 Chicago. Ill.



October 24th 1923



To Mega Therion 9º=2o    AA

c/o Tunisia Palace Hotel,




Care Therion,


I have received a letter dated Sept. 27th 1923 E.V. containing information in regard to Pass-words, signed by Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] 8º=3o  AA, also one dated Oct. 1st, 1923, signed by you.


I may remark that some time ago I received a letter from you saying that Norman Mudd was writing by next mail. So far his letter is not to hand, so yours remains unanswered.


The letter of Sept. 27th gives certain instructions for correspondence, followed by the remark: "The receipt of a letter not thus marked is to be taken as conclusive evidence that the writer is not in good standing and his claims to membership of the order consequently unfounded; and an indication that he should in no wise be trusted." In not using your own formula in connection with your subsequent letter of October 1st. you have laid yourself open to be so treated by the one who has received it. Rather than take this attitude I feel it better to accept these two letters as suggestive only, since it would be an evident injustice to subscribe to the instructions they contain.


One further significance of the present Pass-word, perhaps unknown to you, is the Passing On of our Sainted and Honoured Frater I.A., [Allan Bennett] which, I understand, occurred some two months ago. We both owe him a great debt and all reverence is due to his memory, as well as to Frater AUD [Raoul Loveday].


There is also a most important Qabalistic significance which you should use at your own discretion. The pronunciation of the two words is that of one word which in turn is that of one simple letter the value of which is ten and not nine, ten and not eleven. This connects the "Fiat" with the basic letter, and the whole Tree from One to Ten. Please note this further unification, and the significance its importation implies.


I do not argue with your new regulations, insofar as they give the impression of weakness and a tricky kind of fortification of the type that might be attempted by a 7º=4o to avoid an abyss. This is your own affair. I merely state my impression.


Allow me to point out that you attempt to overstep your Authority as 9º=2o in making dogmatic statements relative to the conditions of the Grade of 10º=1o. All that you state from Liber Legis about a future Aeon may apply to the arising of another Magus 9º=2o who will proclaim another Word and Formula for the further Initiation of Humanity.


In the case of 10º=1o it is otherwise. The proof of His Grade consists in the production of a Word the characteristics of which clearly indicate the Formula of it by a Magus as the Essence and Key to the whole of His Work; and Has Proof that He has received such a Key by publicly stating the fact and using it, whether acknowledging the Source from which He received It or Not.


As long as such conditions exist and are recognised to exist the Order of the AA retains its Integrity.


You have asked for Light and you have received it, it is your Task to transmit it.


Please understand that as Frater Achad it is my Work to appear under all ordinary circumstances as a Neophyte of the Order. As such you will be recognized as the Visible Head of the Order and be under no apprehension of any attempt on my part to interfere with your Will or your Work. It is, perhaps, a most fortunate thing that Soror Alostrael should have taken the grade 8º=3o. It is but fitting that a Woman and your Companion should hold the balancing Grade to your 9º=2o.


If you get the details of the Order in good working shape, with proper officers etc, those passing beyond the Grade of Neophyte can be taken care of by Members other than myself. This, may now apply in the transmission of the Pass Words, it is far better that this should be done by Alostrael at the proper time, than to delay in sending on to me. This will be a convenience to me also, and avoid what may appear to some to be a departure from my Neophyte Grade.


Circumstances do not permit me to visit you at this time, but the need may not be so imperative as you suppose.


With fraternal greetings,


As ever,


