Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 141 Chicago. Ill.
December 12 1923 E.V.
c/o Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.
Care Therion,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I have received a letter from your Secretary O∴P∴V∴ [Norman Mudd], dated November 25th., which purports to be an answer to the letter addressed to you on October 24th.
It seems to me a great pity that there should be any difference of opinion in the outer on such a fundamental Point, and it certainly would not be worth while to discuss the matter in any way, were it not for the possibility that the main current of the Work is being deflected, or damned up, owing to a stoppage in some Channel. I do not wish to misjudge you in any way, but I cannot help feeling that either your personal or Magical Ego is trying to discount and avoid certain facts, which may appear to be unpleasant, yet which cannot be altered by merely attempting to throw a veil over them. Your attitude in this matter has been to accept what it suited you to accept, and reject what did not, either by ignoring facts or trying to explain them away, or failing that to make a joke out of them at another's expense. This attitude has brought pain and suffering not only upon yourself but upon those who have the Work at heart and have done all in their power to forward the great Purpose. Needless to say That Purpose will not be frustrated on account of inordination in the instruments used for the fulfillment, although the instruments may suffer in the process on account of their willful obstinacy of that of their leader.
Without going over again various things which have occurred since 1916, about which proper records were made, and many letters exist, I will answer some of the points in your letter.
I think you correct in stating "There can only be One 10º=1o, otherwise Thaumiel are formulated. It seems to me that Those in Kether are One in the sense that "there is no difference".
You are admittedly 9º=2o. As such you cannot rightly say that 10º=1o is Aiwass. You may claim that Aiwaz is your own Higher Self, and that therefore since you are 9º=2o you suppose Him to be 10º=1o, though He may be the Word of 9º=2o in Its Higher sense.
You say concerning the statement of the Work of a Magus "This is just what I did". And this is true, but not of your receipt of "Liber Legis" etc. At that time you were not a Magus. The one Word you have accepted from another and proclaimed to be the Key of the Work and of Liber Legis, since you became a Magus, is AL. You are aware from whom you received it, accepted it, and transmitted it, and in so doing you automatically admitted the Grade of 10º=1o to the One who discovered it to be the Root of his being, and freely gave it to you in order that the Work might proceed rightly.
This had to be and there is no use in discussing the point further. Aiwaz did not supply the Key, not did Liber Legis say that you should discover it yourself. There may be further revelations of a similar nature, or there may not, but I am convinced that as long as you refuse to admit the facts, your work will suffer & other Channels be used to accomplish the Same Purpose.
I want to tell you that I did not receive any letter from you telling of the death of Frater I.A. [Allan Bennett] and I have not received a letter from you in regard to your understanding of our true relations, as at one time promised, nor have I received the chart or diagram you once said you had sent. It may be that mail is going astray somewhere, and that confusion is caused thereby.
I suggest that in future any letters from me are answered by you personally instead of by other hands. If this is not convenient I shall also refrain from writing on any matters of importance.
With all good wishes and fraternal Greetings,
Love is the law, love under will,
As ever,