Correspondence from James Gilbert Bayley to Montgomery Evans
37A Trissillian Road. Brockley. London SE4.. England.
15 Jan 1924.
To Mr Montgomery Evans 2nd. 900 De Kalb Street. Norristown, Penn. U.S.A.
Dear Sir,
As one of Mr Aleister Crowley's representatives, I have been asked to write to you.
By separate mail, I am sending three small books, at his request, as a gift expressing his desire to be of service to you in completing your collection.
There is a huge stock of Mr Crowley's works—all complete, and stored with the Chiswick Press Co. London, but at present unavailable through legal accidents. Also he has several works—important ones—written and ready for the press, but cannot proceed owing to financial difficulties.
Should you ever wish to communicate with Mr. Crowley, people at any of the following addresses could put you in direct communication,
(1) Mr Crowley's lawyers. Messrs Parker Garrett & Co. St Michaels Rectory Cornhill. London. E.C.
(2) Mr. C. Stansfeld Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] PO Box 141 Chicago U.S.A. Mr Jones has a collection of works I could recommend you to inspect.
(3) Mr E. H. Saayman [Eddie Saayman] New College Oxford. Private Address. 58 Argyle St. Oxford.
(4) Mr Crowley's Publishers Messrs Collins & Co. Publishers Pall Mall London S.W.1.
(6) Madam Hirsig [Leah Hirsig] Thelema Abbey. Villa Santa Barbara Cefalů Sicily.
(7) Mr. J. G. Bayley. 37A Tressillian Road Brockley. London SE4.
Should there be any further information you would like to have, I shall be only too pleased to give it.
Yours faithfully
J G Bayley.