Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans




50 Rue Vavin

Paris VIe




March 22 '24 e.v.



Dear Mr Evans,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The Greetings of the Equinox of Spring of the XXth Year of the Aeon!


Thanks for your letter of March 6.


I have been sick (mostly in bed) with two little operations, and nervous breakdown from worry and overwork of year's standing, ill this year. Just pulling round this past week, but need 3 month's real convalescence and repose. Alas! I go on working wildly, and my prospects are very poor. The Gods have the matter in hand, and I am the happiest man in Europe. It is not a little thing to have been chosen to receive and promulgate the Magical Formula which assures to Mankind its next great step towards the Light!


Astrology. My notes are very rough, and the book is unfinished. But the principle is sound. I take known horoscopes of known people, class them in all possible ways, and observe the result. E.g. I ask: what is there common to all those with rising, to those with in , and so on.


But as to the reality of the science, I can show you convincing proof within one hour that there is something in it. I can, for instance, determine a stranger's rising sign, or the position of his , or both, with frequently some other points, from mere personal inspection and conversation. When I took notes of this, I found I was right about 5 times in 6 (in a large number of cases—over 100) and the 6th time I was usually not 'wrong', but misled by some planetary complication. E.g. suppose rising in , the nature of the sign is washed by those planets being of contradictory nature. The real errors were few, and plainly due to interference of certain types. I am glad you will be coming across before long, and want you to consider seriously the possibility of keeping in close touch with me when you arrive. I feel that I can give you what you want; but I am very difficult to understand at first as a rule, so I make rather a point of being quite a fair chance. There are so many difficult matters to discuss; and the first necessity is a common language. As you may know, I have worked for years to construct one. (See my 777, Equinox I. No. V Temple of Solomon, and Equinox I No. VIII Supplement. Get these, if you can; and work to assimilate the fundamentals before we meet. It should save much time and cast a little more understanding).


Many thanks for your kind offer to help me: it is quite possible that you could. If, for instance, you could interest a publisher who has a branch in London or Paris, or who is coming over shortly——— I am "the man who won't fit in": but a very large unworked gold mine to any man with a little courage, initiative, capital and business ability who would put me on the market as an original, and not try to slide me through the sentries as a really flammable imitation of Ella Wheeler Wilcox!


It is quite useless for me to approach publishers or editors: they are looking for respectable nonentities, and I frighten them.


I wish, too, that you could keep up this correspondence till we meet. I should like to know what you know of yourself, and what is your idea (if any!) of the Real Purpose of your having come to live on this planet. For then I can help you to attain to do your True Will; which helps me in two ways (α) my True Will is  to help mankind in just this way; and (β) each man that I can study intimately adds to my insight and experience. Great indeed are the Designs of the Gods; and you are called to play your part—so we must find out what that part is.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally


Aleister Crowley

To Mega Therion



