Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd
May 7 [1924] (On receipt of yours and Estai's [Jane Wolfe] of May 5.)
P.S. for O.P.V.
Adviser here suggests issuing pamphlet—The Last Straw plus the detailed denial of the charges. All should be edited and put cleverly together and some arrangement made for publication. This to force them to produce their non-existent evidence. All this in case the appeal to their decency fails.
(You said you thought you could get backers for such a pamphlet.)
Should the second string break, we can consider acquiring that farthing.
I think it al depends on the fearless whole-heartedness of yourself, A.I. [Eddie Saayman], and Estai. The three of you ought to be able to raise sufficient rumpus to let the light in.
The three of you might consider AL—I—10 drop proclaiming the Law until able to do so efficiently. I purposely leave this question open for your magical discretion. But if you do it, it must be a definite formula of activity, not a retreat.