Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd
Poste Restante Rue Sittré Paris
May 9/24 e.v.
My beloved son.
A word on your Qabalistic position. Daath is wiped off through "the fall" so that Vau has the humiliation of appearing in Tiphereth: but only so can he become the Redeemer. You have Netzach in Estai [Jane Wolfe] and Hod in A.I. [Eddie Saayman] but your links with them are Scorpio and Capricornus respectively. to make the hexagram you have to create or acquire the descending triangle, a bestower, a fighter, and a founder. You get the first by your quality of Hermithood, Intellectual power and purity etc; the second by your sense of justice, and the third by your aspiration, your power to pierce the clouds of illusion, and the proper use of the Formula of the IX° (Temperance Atu IV).
This is your formula in your actual situation supplementary to the Big Tetragrammaton Formula, not superseding it. I don't quite see where Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley] comes in; but I think he is the original Tiphereth into whose house you have descended. He seems certainly royal enough for the job.
666. per 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]