Leah Hirsig's Will
64 Av. du Maine, Paris 14
Sept. 29, 1924 e.v.
My Last Will
I, Leah Hirsig, being of sane mind, bequeath unto Norman Mudd of 50 Radnor Street, Chelsea, London, all my earthly goods to be disposed of ay his discretion. Also the custody of my son, Hans Hammond.
I also leave him in full charge of my affairs.
My body is to be buried at the expense of the Swiss Legation 51 Ave. Hoche, Paris, as I am without funds and they are my National representatives.
Witness my signature.
64 Av. du Maine, Paris 14
Sept. 29, 1924 e.v.
Witness my signature.
I, Leah Hirsig, hereby declare that I leave all my affairs in the hands of
to be carried on
I, Leah Hirsig, being of sane mind, hereby declare that I leave all my affairs in the hands of
to be carried on at his discretion
Witness my signature
Things to be deposited with Mme. Aimée Gouraud, 20 rue de Vineuse to be called for by Norman Mudd or one of his representatives.
Packet I Black and Gold dress. Black and Gold hat Black shoes. Black stockings.
Packet II
A. Envelope—instructions.
B. Documents as listed.
C. For American Vice Consul in connection with the affairs of Miss Dorothy Olsen—Her apartment at 207[1] Blvd. Raspail, the lease of which expires on Oct 6.
D. Hansi Documents. Note where others are.
E. Letters for file. Also records which may be used.
F. Letter for fur coat left with Bourcier at 50 rue Vavin, May 1. The receipt has been lost and Maitre Goirand of 16 Place Vendome is responsible for it. I wish Ninette [Ninette Shumway] to have that coat.
G. Lamarck papers.
H. My diary.
I. Liber Legis to be preserved for my son Hans Hammond, wrapped up as the Beast sees fit and presented to him at the right time.
J. Grey Wallet for O.P.V. [Norman Mudd].
K. Red purse for Astarte Lulu Panthea.
L. 3 letters a. "For my Father and Mate" b. "For My son O.P.V. c. "For My Daughter Dorothy"
M. Black bag containing a. Expired American Passport. b. 3 licenses and 1 appointment N.Y.C. schools. c. American Naturalization Papers. d. Keys for things at 207 Blvd. Raspail
Similar list sent to London.
My last Will
Packet marked "to be buried or burnt with me".
1—[Refers to items belonging to Crowley and Leah that were being held at 207 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, an apartment that had been leased to Dorothy Olsen.]