Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans
c/o Gérard Aumont 16 Avenue de Carthage Tunis
Oct. 28, 24 e.v.
Dear Second ("whom all Nations of Men call the First")
Fay ce que veulx,
We are at El Oued, waiting for cash to stroll on to Timbuctoo. Why it doesn't come is a Mystery Cached in the Cosmos of the Banker's Trust. They don't answer telegrams and letters, or note instructions; and they cash in weird and unintelligible ways—to reach Tunis 6 days after wiring it from Paris was their last exploit!
Wish you'd see Mr Allen and make it quite clear that any funds for Miss Dorothy Olsen are to be cabled at once (as they arrive) to her c/o Mr. Aumont, above address. That is, unless we wire new instructions, as we shall if we decide to take a chance on the Tanezruft!
Leah [Leah Hirsig] c/o Guaranty Trust Co. 2 reu de Italiens.
Call on Henry Noble Hall 30 rue Louis le Grand: he has been helping the G∴W∴ [Great Work] in all sorts of ways. One of the best and wittiest going! I suggest selling the rights of White Stains, Snowdrops [Snowdrops from A Curate's Garden], and the Bagh-i-Muattar to that German (?) publisher who issues erotica (Rochester's Sodom e.g.) I intended to keep these is small private editions: but the British are insisting: and what they ask for they can have!
It was awful good to get your letter: I was very anxious about you. I can't do much from the Hoggar: but Leah and Mudd [Norman Mudd] can do all that is necessary supplying copies of books etc. etc.
Hope you'll be able to help to get things on a sound basis: it's not the British Square, but the British] Crooked, that we have to smash. I want Sylvia P.[ankhurst] to take up the Law of Thelema—and my propaganda generally. It's all constructive; and you can't work up enthusiasm for negations. Should you see her or be writing her, will you discuss possibilities?
If you get any subscriptions to Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] directly—I don't quite know how you have gone to work—will you will some of the proceeds say 50% to Aumont. We are really a bit worried for actual necessities—though $5 a day covers our total expense with a margin.
So glad you're better at last.
No more now.
Ever yours
Aleister Crowley