Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley








P.O. Box 141, Chicago, Ill.



March 24, 1925 E.V.







My Beloved Father


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I have received your letter of March 1st. Together with that of Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] dated March 5th., copies of letters to various people, and Manifestos. For all of these many thanks.


In regard to the Manifesto and the K.T.S., it would seem that some aspects of your Work indicate a Current not unlike that which was manifested by Mdme Blavatsky [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky] and that in one sense you have adhered much more closely to the original aims and objects of the early T.[heosophical] S.[ociety] than has been the case with the present leader of that movement. Also, as far as I am aware, there is no very suitable person in sight, in the ranks of the movement itself, to take the place of Mrs. B. [Annie Besant] when she passes on. Your letters to her and to the B. Assoc. are very much to the point, and I trust that they may lead to a favourable issue.


Your letter to Frater S.P. (last par.) gives indications of that sort of ‘over-confidence’ which can so easily wreck all chances of a successful outcome. As far as America is concerned I can see nothing to be gained by approaching any of the so-called leaders here, at least until the result of your letter to A.[nnie] B[esant] becomes apparent.


Whoever your ‘subtle adviser’ may be his admonition in regard to discretion seems excellent, it is almost a pity you were not more closely in touch with him before.


The last paragraph in your letter “re. Conference" savours too much of trickery and my reaction towards it is distinctly unfavourable. The New Law should need no such means which spell f a i l u r e not Success. Regnartus [Heinrich Tränker] is working up a very nice movement in a way you have never been able to do; do you want to wreck it as soon as it comes to your notice?


Love is the law, love under will


As ever,


