Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Montgomery Evans
Apr. 18/25 e.v.
Dear Montgomery Evans,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letter of Mar. 7 was sent on in due season and has been lying fallow all this time. A.C. was glad to hear from you—so was I, and such a nice sensible letter. I really was disgusted with your last to me from London in which you sent me Mary Butts' and your combined consolations for something that Nina Hamnett thought should be a fact—but you did not even mention what it was. However, I forgive you. Don't do the social stunt any more, especially with Butt - ends.
A.C. has written Emerick—no reply so far. The Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] are moving but not so fast as one would like—that is, they are only being re-typed—have not yet reached the printer. I enclose a sort of revised prospectus.
I have had all sorts of official communications from the American side about the kidnapping [of her son Hansi] and what you say seems to be the right thing. I shall have to do something myself from this end or go to America and re-kidnap. Will you write me up, if I do?
I enclose a list of A.C.'s works and prices.
No Seabrook [William Seabrook] here—glad he got away from N.Y. He is a nice fellow, isn't he?
Drug Fiend [The Diary of a Drug Fiend]? We have never even seen an American edition and I do not suppose that there are any others to be had. However, some of us may go to Paris soon and be able to bribe Sylvia Beech. Nous verrons.
Love is the law, love under will,
Leah H.
[P.S.] Apr 24/25. Just received fine and encouraging letter from Reeck—A.C. hopes to see him within the next few months. You're a good boy.