Correspondence from Norman Mudd to Dorothy Olsen
Per Adr. Fraulein Martha Küntzel, 4 Tiefestrasse, Leipzig.
Wed., 11 November, /25
Dear Dorothy,
I thought it would save your time and mine if I enclosed my letter to Montgomery Evans for you to read and forward, instead of posting it direct to him. Also, though his address, as you wrote it, looked like '23' I was a little doubtful about it.
I was very glad to get all your news. Our last letters from A.C. (Tunis) were fairly encouraging. He seems to have picked up healthy again quite suddenly, and I know he is getting a move on, in some ways at least.
The news about Aimée [Aimée Gouraud] is decidedly entertaining. Give her my heartfelt congratulations and good wishes, if you will.
Leah [Leah Hirsig] is more or less settled down in Miss K's [Martha Küntzel] care, and if Baron [William George Barron] plays up she should be fairly all right for two months. But he is an incalculable and elusive card, and I am a bit anxious.
We are in one HELL of a mess, her at Weida. No household trouble. Germer [Karl Germer] and I get on fine together. But its legal entanglements are brain-cracking, and G[ermer] is nearly off his nut. His sister has just cabled that she will send him money, so he thinks you had better not see her.
You will probably find that most of your affairs will get pretty bad with the hurdle of December, and then begin to come straight suddenly. Don't ask how I know all this, but keep smiling, and don't be discouraged now! There's on whole of a good time coming, just round the corner.
In haste, but with all love, from
Ever fraternally,