Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Martha Küntzel
Seniat el Kitou, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisa.
June 29, 1926.
Dear Little Sister:
I was very glad to get your letter of June 23. We are here, I suppose until July 7. The financial crisis is still very acute, but for some reason we are not worried. Something is sure to happen, and if it does not, it does not matter!
About the Tree of Life for the Essays [Little Essays Toward Truth]. I should get one from Hopfer [Oskar Hopfer], marked with the numbers for the Sephiroth and the letters for the Paths. The important correspondences can then be printed as a list. It may be necessary to make a subsidiary diagram or two, showing the parts of the Soul, etc.
About Krishnamurti. I am enclosing the statement of facts from Loften Hare, who is reliable. Mrs. Besant [Annie Besant] used his protest as an excuse for recording a great victory, which she has not won. It is her typical trickery. I think you might easily get prominent German newspapers to contradict all this nonsense, and incidentally get in a little propaganda for ourselves.
I am glad to hear you are going so strong. Take good care of yourself, and remember that no work is ever lost.
We all send you our best love.
93 93/93.
Yours fraternally,
P.S. You mention lack of news—does this mean that you have not received our letters, sent—
June 21, in answer to yours of 14 June;
une 11, just two or three lines;
May 31, from Estai [Jane Wolfe], in which she asked that you send 777 to Karl [Karl Germer], care Bankers Trust Co., 505 Fifth Ave., for submission to Putnam's, or other publisher;
And a letter from Astrid [Dorothy Olsen] between 11th and 21st?