Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans
Bankers Trust Company, 3-5 Place Vendôme, Paris.
February 21, 1927.
Dear M.E.2:
Thanks for yours of January 30, in this morning. I do not know where any copies of the "World's Tragedy" are except one or two. A good many must have been destroyed. The same applies to the "Scented Garden". It would be excellent to reprint both of these.
Please give my love to S.B.A. [Samuel Bin Aiwaz] and ask him to let me have a line from him personally. I am very glad indeed to be in touch with him again.
I will deal with Hollings and Marks through my London agent. The Matthews item is very interesting. I wonder very much indeed where those manuscripts came from, and will have the matter inquired into.
This last week 10 copies each of the entire London stock, bar the Equinox, were boxed for shipment to you, and I hope are now started on their way to you. No copies of the Sacred Books are left.
I hope you will let me know further about Seabrook [William Seabrook].
I wish you would understand that we are in continual distress of the severest character, and the bare existence of irreplaceable manuscripts and typescripts, to say nothing of valuable private copies of books, is threatened. One does not get a day's rest from anxiety. To be perfectly frank, I do not know how much longer we can stand this strain. I hope you are yourself in good trim in every way.
93 93/93.
Yours fraternally.
P.S. Please send formal contract specifying terms? The enclosed authorization is provisional to allow the publication to go ahead.