Correspondence from Eugen Grosche to Martha Küntzel




[circa 1928]



Dear Soror Küntzel:


I can at last send you 3 copies of our new periodical "Saturn Gnosis" as a dedication, with the request to send two of them with accompanying letter to the Master Therion as a proof of our organisatory work. One copy is meant for the Thelema-Gesellschaft.


I hope it will give you pleasure, for I think that as to the technique as well as the contents we have reached the head of occult-spiritual (geistig) publishing.


Let me answer your last letter now, in a few words, and I would thank you for forwarding this letter, purely officially to the Master Therion.


The steadily pursued course in the building up of our organization will show you that our aim is to enforce the establishment of the Fraternitas Saturni as a Grandlodge in Germany, according to the Law of the Aeon of Aquarius, which we acknowledge.


All the existing theosophical, rosicrucian, and pansophically organised corporations, lodges, societies, inclusive of freemasonry, we consider as out of date. In their whole structure, their grades and organisatory reliques, in their patriarchal ways, their conservative foundations, they are of only secondary value for us, who are creating perfectly new land and are altogether working in a new spirit. We are able, before all, to create spiritual values by our own inspiration, which, in the occult-scientifical sense, are of much higher value than the mere rendering of ancient traditions and the re-modelling of what has been said ever so often.


Here then is a sketch of our closely bounded basis of work, and it must be clearly understood that we demand an absolute authority for organisation, of all our friends and of those interested in our work, and that we also claim it spiritually, as far as we are prepared for it. That is, we want to try to gather up under our guardianship all those who, in sympathy with the new Aeon, find interest in it in an occult-esoteric sense and are willing to work.


For this reason we cannot allow any other efforts to be made by such as do not join us, and we shall be forced to negate them as much as possible and try to absorb them; for only in this way, by strictest centralisation the forming of a spiritual centre in accordance with the Law will be made possible.


In this endeavour we ask you to give us your fullest support in every way, spiritually (geistig) and exoterically, as far as you are able to do so. That does not imply that we want to get you and Br[other] Gebhardi [Otto Gebhardi] personally into our organisation. We don't dream of that, but we look upon you as a helpful link between ourselves and the Master Therion.


The Thelema-Verlags Gesellschaft, being—according to what you said yourself—simply based on a commercial principle for the issuing of the Master Therion's works, is therefore not to be considered as the groundwork of a future Lodge, so that an intimate co-operation with us, the Grand lodge, would be profitable for both.


I hope to have explained the matter fully and am willing to go into further details. It should not be necessary to give the assurance that the Grandlodge attaches great value to an active spiritual connection with the Master Therion, which I am sorry to say has been neglected for reason of organisation. This shall be different in future. The Grandlodge is ready at any time to assist the Master Therion by word and deed in any matter connected with the spiritual movement in Germany. It will never abandon the ultimate aim of the evolution, not only of every individual, but of all mankind.


I believe thus to have offered my hand to you and to the Thelema Society for conjoined work, taking however your unreserved support for granted, especially to propaganda and by sending us those that are seeking that we may be enabled to widen our basis.


If however any other group, lodge or corporation should be formed—which is very likely—who also acknowledge the Law of the new Aeon, but fail to join us, and who are consciously supported by you in the same way, it would, of course, be immediately followed by a reaction on our side. For we ask and claim the fullest preference to any such foundation that should arise after ours; Of course only in case they don't prove better in organisation and in spirit.


We can only work on the basis of a clean table, and with a steady, frank and one-sided mind.


Such is the demand of the crystalline law of Saturnus in the Uranian light.





Master of the Chair.


