Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Hotel Foyet Paris
Jan 26 [1928]
Dear Yorke,
Just a hurried line.
I got your wire and sent off the 3rd parcel yesterday.
Yes: have things copied, but with very wide margins on good paper to be bound up. Can you try to get Book 4 Part III [Magick in Theory and Practice] published? That alone would pull the Work right out of the gulf of misery it's in.
I see no chance of leaving for Egypt at present. Lawyers want to see which way the cat jumps over the Westminster floods[1]—we might get more compensation in certain cases.
I'll look carefully into your
horror [horoscope] when I get more time. Can't you really
get the time an hour or so earlier?
Saturn passing through Mars this year may give you a pretty poor time; I should play my cards pretty close to my chest.
Your last [illegible] about the house in Chelsea (what house?) and Church are quite mysterious. Do elucidate.
93 93/93.
Fraternally in great haste,
Book 4 Part III. A copy should be sent to Fräulein Küntzel [Martha Küntzel] 4 Tiefestrasse Leipzig. Big firm would publish it immediately in German.
1—[Refers to a storage depot being flooded resulting in a stock of Crowley's books being damaged by the water.]