Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Hotel Foyet




Feb 8 [1928]







Yours of 5th.


1. No. Thelema-Verlag. The firm is really in my own control: it was founded only to do my books.


2. Can't understand why my American agents do nothing. But they don't. So you're free.


3. I think 500 of both Part I and II [of Book 4] at first. Then 1500 or 2000 more of Pt. I. Not sure if Pt 2 was reprinted. Fancy war stopped it—Not sure.


4. I thought of a totally new title e.g. "Theory and Practice of Magick."


5. Name "The Master Therion" Fra[ter] P[erdurabo] didn't know all that's in Pt 3 [Magick in Theory and Practice].


6. The crook who bought the Chiswick Press might have answer to this in their old records.


I quite approve your alternative scheme.


But if you really know 50 people it would be better to get them to form a company as in Germany.


There is a big demand, once things could be brought back to normal.


93     93/93.






