Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




Hotel Restaurant Foyot.




1 March (28)







Been sick and busy: hence delay to answer yours of Jan 19. K [Kasimira Bass] should be here within a week.


I can't take epileptic cases. Leave them to grow into St Pauls or Mohammeds. Or strangle 'em. Tell him it's a purely medical matter, and outside my province.


I never heard of O Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi]. Use your old Exam[inatio]n paper, only change the names of things asked about. E.g. put Scorpio for Aquarius etc etc.


My unpublished work. Write Mr G.J. Yorke [Gerald Yorke] 9 Mansfield St. W.1. Tell him what market there would be in California.


So glad you're in touch with Estai [Jane Wolfe]. I miss her badly. Look after her well as you can. Tell her I'll write next mail.


Take all the Oaths you can think of, and plunge into the Work head first. We want lots of support of all kinds. New G.H.Q. [Great Headquarters] getting into shape at last.


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