Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




20 Mar 28



Care Frater




This is for you to talk over with Soror Estai [Jane Wolfe], as I have a letter from her this A.M. with suggestions. The problem of getting a regular income is destroying the work. I propose that everybody interested should contract to send 10 dollars per month. You collect and transfer the amount by cable to my account at the Bankers' Trust.


For this we supply courses of instruction as we can get them ready. Begin by typing out the Official Instructions of AA from The Equinox, and I will supplement with unpublished M.S.S. "Little Essays" [Little Essays Toward Truth] "Liber Aleph" etc etc. I'll have things printed as soon as funds permit. You can, further and apart from this, collect 10 dollars apiece from people for the special private edition of Book 4 Pt III [Magick in Theory and Practice], the one complete treatise on Magick. (A man in London has promised to have this printed in the course of the year.) These subscription copies will be signed by me.


K [Kasimira Bass] is taking up this problem with practical energy and good sense.


To put the Work in proper shape, we want 200 dollars monthly from California and the Coast. The matter is urgent, too. I hope you will not lose a moment in getting people interested. Larger sums, donations etc would be set aside for a special fund to build a proper Headquarters.


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