Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Hotel Foyet Paris
March 24 [1928]
I think I have the solution to the Book 4 Part III [Magick in Theory and Practice] problem. It can be printed in Germany for probably less than half the London cost; and it can be printed on my credit (possibly with, the second string of a guarantee from you up to a certain sum, and on a date or dates to suit you) as I have 35% of the stock of the Thelema-Verlag [publishers] whose printer is himself in the company and does the Germer [Karl Germer] translations of my work
In this way the book could go to press at once. Yes?
Will you then prepare a copy for the Press, marking those passages where the reading is doubtful, and making any suggestions for revision in addition that may occur to you?
If so, send me over the book piece-meal—say 50 pp [illegible] at a time—as you get a section ready.
And we'll have the book ready to bind by the Solstice!
93 93/93.