Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Hotel Foyet




11-4-28 e.v.



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of 9th inst and package of 4 III [Magick in Theory and Practice] to p[age] 243 safely to hand. Latter O.K. and your suggestions, as far as I have seen, very useful. I will have MSS. ready for you to take back with you.


I will expect you on Saturday morning Apr 21 at this hotel. Please confirm.


We will discuss the editing problem. I will show you certain press cuttings which may or may not encourage you to believe that you can disguise me as the Most Revd the Archbishop of Canterbury. No, no Shakespeare was right "Be thou pure as ice etc". "Mrs Webster, the German woman" (see Drug-Fiend) cannot sit at an editorial desk. Great men have to tread on all sorts of toes: trying to avoid them leads to utter catastrophe. Was Moses tactful about the Golden Calf?


The question of your name is quite another matter, which I will explain when we meet.


Dr BIRVEN (not Biroch) HAIN (= grove) not 'hauie'.


Business matter must wait till you come. I hope Pickfords will come across without [illegible] the arbitration—I've offered to accept a smaller sum to save delay and worries—even, to avert collapse!


I'm trying to raise an advance on the strength of the claim, plus books as collected if requested.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,


T. M. O.     666.


