Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




Hotel restaurant Foyot.



4 May 28.







10 dollars duly to hand. But 'twere safer to register the letter.


I'm convinced you and Estai [Jane Wolfe], with Mrs Reynolds' [Rosa Reynolds] help, can arrange something big. The fact is that although K [Kasimira Bass] is immensely courageous, she is so accustomed to have everything she wants without even asking for it, that she gets moods of great and severe depression when she has time to remember the situation.


This must be put right. She is the one possible Magical Partner for me, and she is perfect. Already, despite the greatest difficulties, we have succeeded beyond all my hopes in awakening a current of creative energy of enormously high potential. It would be utterly disastrous if this Work should break down on the brink of achieving the most stupendous gain for poor humanity. And that for the sake of sheer stupidity!


So you see what you can do to set her mind at rest. For myself I am quite calm and confident; but this is her first experience of living under Magical laws, so that the funny little ways of the Gods get rather on her nerves.


I'm so grateful to you over 777. Perhaps 516 [Jane Wolfe] has helped you to fill in some in typescript—my copy is defective, and I can't always fix it up from memory.


Oh so busy, excuse haste!


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Love from Kasimira.


