Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Hotel Foyet




11th May [1928]


CF  V.I.




Not CM please! We are brothers by our common aspiration to the G[reat] W[ork]. Magister is not any relation to anyone except the Demon Crowley. (I can only write from the wrist, my axilla having got infected. Excuse scrawl, even this hurts).


Crowley is horrified at you selling books etc; but remembers that he too bought a black egg without haggling, and it hatched into the Swan! Consider your point about using your credit again. It took me not 10 minutes to decide to give up my possessions for the Pearl of Great Price; but it was many years before I learnt to trust the Gods, and do Their work with the confidence that They would supply the means.


We are looking for a cheap place to retire, which we'll do as soon as your cheque comes. (Better, ask bank to credit to my a/c at Bankers' Trust).


You may yet convert the son of Ion. If he admits that I have the Wisdom, why not trust my judgment? If he would write me direct, I might overcome his objections. Also, can't he trust the Wardens of the Secret Knowledge.


I return prospectuses etc.


Mark of the Beast [ritual] when I've had it retyped.


I don't agree about the price [of Magick in Theory and Practice]. Cheap edition later. But there are certainly 1000 people in U.S.A. alone who will pay $10 gladly for the book if properly advertised. Send some more prospectuses with subscription forms attached, when ready.


I should beware of that woman. She may be the Vampire that Neophytes always get. And though you are not a Neophyte yet, officially, one never knows now-a-days. For some years the regular order of ordeals seems to have been upset, just as people now take the 8º=3o oath at all stages.


I keep estimate to show some one here. Paper O.K.


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