Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




c/o American Express Co.




25 May [1928]







The briefest line in answer to yours. The rest when my arm gets well. (We were both attacked magically—lack of due precaution, I think. One gets careless with success. Don't.)


C. would say to Y. "He has probably a man on the trail; the first indiscretion might cost a career" 666 says "When one has taken an important magical step, and a person appears suddenly, it may be a vampire, or a Messenger of the Gods. In your case there seems no claim to the latter possibility, and the circumstances generally are suspicious—So don't compromise yourself morally, in any way, from any Motive".


We are retiring to a fishing village near Marseille, by name Cassis. One can get pension at 25 francs a head or could 2 years ago. Please tell nobody where we are.


Paris was successful magically.


1. Prana all spoilt since John St John days on.


2. Damp let magical force leak away. We were five or six tries on the finish of a really big thing, and it fizzled out somehow.


3. No sun and monotony of life depressing.


4. Too many worries and distractions.


Any [illegible] will do. Important thing for you is to look up references to fill gaps in that 777 text. M.K. [Martha Küntzel] sent blanks of and Seven Palaces, but no Tree of Life. You may have some by now.


In haste and pain.


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