Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Hotel Panoramas,

Cassis [France]



June 2 [1928]



CF    VI




Yrs of 30 May. I rejoice exceedingly. Use your own judgment entirely about 'Magick' [Magick in Theory and Practice]: it is your own private G[reat] W[ork] at the moment. Personally, I should be inclined to hand MS to printer to 'mak siccar' giving Rider the proofs, or the other MSS if Heineman fails. On this line of thought: "My job is to secure publication, no matter if we don't sell a copy." You do your bit, and put it up to the Gods to do Theirs. Consider this point of view, but don't let it warp your judgment. I shall be glad to have a few sample prospectuses—but business details appall me


I note your probablility about July 15-31. But let me know definitely as soon as you know yourself.


What with my sun-cure (I hope you will be unable to recognize me except by my turban!), my vow of Holy Obedience, and intense M[agick] work daily, I'm going strong. In a much better M condition than I have been for some years. All is now moving to a great climax.


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